Motivational Monday – Lets Make Monday Better!

Monday I choose to be awesome, I choose to have an amazing day and time no matter what. Then my Monday is going to be great. *POSITIVE* it makes all the difference. ... ♡

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Ah Monday. The first day of the working week. It’s back to early starts, full on to do lists, not having enough time in the day to achieve everything and desperately trying to. If you’re one of the few that actually loves their job, then I applaud you, and I speak for the rest of us when I say how’d you do it? Seriously please drop me/us a note in the comment box below. I would love it if everyone shares how they make their working week work for them.

If you’re one of the majority whose job is OK if you don’t think about it too much, or it’s a bit dull, not creatively satisfying, very stressful or if you work with some not very nice people then I hope to inspire you with this post on this here Monday morning. This post isn’t designed to teach you “how to suck eggs” but let it be a prompt to what you already know. You may even already have some of these things in place.

First things first grab a steaming cup of lovely coffee, posh tea or a nice refreshing fruit juice in the morning.  Even something as small as a nice drink can brighten up your morning, whether it’s at home or en route to work. The more indulgent or special it is for you on a personal level the better you’ll feel. My personal fave is Pret A Manger Soya Cappuccino en route to work or an appointment. I will get up earlier so that I can sit in the coffee shop and take time to enjoy my drink, my surroundings and mentally prepare myself for the day.


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Have a decent breakfast:

Breakfast is so important in my book. Not only has it been proven to kick-start our metabolisms, if we eat the right foods it’s all great for our mental health too. Porridge, eggs and yoghurt with fruit are all excellent foods to start the day off with.


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Put on an outfit that you feel confident and beautiful in:

Now I realise that outfits should probably be planned the night or day before. However it is always a good idea to invest in a few simple lightweight black, navy and beige dresses that you can throw on when you’re in a rush. Pair with a little cardi, statement jewellery and some pumps. This look is classic and screams glamour without trying too hard.  Perfect for a Monday morning when you would rather be heading back to bed than out the door. It is true that if you look good you feel good. You’ll walk taller, be more confident and it is more likely that people will respond to you in a positive manner. You are also less likely to react sensitively or with hostility. These latter traits are easy to express when we don’t feel good in ourselves.


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Ensure your bag is packed with the essentials before you head out the door; phone, keys, wallet, work pass, rail or bus pass, deodrant, any femine hygiene products, make up essentials, a pen and your diary. 5 minutes before you head out the door mentally run through your day using your diary as a prompt – meetings, urgent work emails that you need to respond to and phone calls you need to make. Then put it out of your mind until you get to the office.  This exercise is designed to ensure you haven’t missed anything before you leave the house.

Deeps breaths and bring yourself into the present moment fully:

On the way to the office focus on the sights, smells, noise and the things you touch (through your feet and hands etc). This brings you into a “being” state, rather than a “doing” state and is much more relaxing for the mind. In short it brings you into the present and allows your mind to settle.

And remember this day will pass, and you will never get it back. Go out and be the best you can be. And remember don’t let anyone dull you sparkle!


Lizzie x